Thursday, October 3, 2013


This has been spoken of time and time again, what are the noblest professions? Yet I will pose this question back to you, what are the 3 noblest professions? Better still What happened to the 3 noblest professions?
I am not trying to blow some people’s roles out of proportion but on the other hand I cannot shy away from giving credit where it is due. 

A Teacher, Doctor and a Religious leader.  I am sure some of you saw this coming may be some of you did not, but this is what i think.
In order for a community to grow substantially you need to have well-trained and enthusiastic teachers to train the community straight from the grass roots. Lets ask our selves;
1. What kind of community do you want to lead if the people have no basic writing and reading skills? 
2. What type of education will you expect from demotivated teachers who don’t feel appreciated? 
And yet we blame our un-employed youth for their unemployment. ‘ Think out of the box’ they say, but over 50% of these people have been exposed to hopeless learning conditions with dissatisfied teachers, honestly what do you expect them to learn. Do our children want to be teachers? No one wants to go into a profession knowing that they passion for being an educator will just be killed and buried never to be seen again.

The mighty Doctors, this profession over all time has been respected and praised as it so deserves. Long working hours, keeping people healthy and free from disease, its only matter of time before they are driven to start their private businesses because they are not yielding from a Profession that over countless time scales has always been looked at as the ‘big deal’ profession. You ask me, the same doctor you meet at their private clinic is more concerned about a patient  than one at government health Centre.

If you are to build a community, build their mind, keep their bodies healthy, and then enrich their spirits. We are lucky that these religious leaders are called to be content with their earnings simply buy the nature of their calling. But please let us not give them reason to fall short when it comes to building the spirits and hearts in our communities. Trust me there will be a shift in moral up bringing in our communities if we facilitated more of the works of our religious leaders. There will be a fall in crimes; prostitution, theft, murder, rape etc. simply because the people are being taught the differences between right & wrong, good and bad. We say in our anthem ‘Oh Uganda may God up hold thee’, let us not leave God out of the equation.

Let us not lie to the people with mediocre education, where we are having children being promoted from class to class simply to make room for the ever increasing younger population.
Let us not lie to the people, with a substandard health care system, with mothers giving birth on the floors of hospitals, lack of basic drugs in our health centres, inaccessible and disgruntled health workers.
Let us take the bull by the horns, let us speak for the voiceless . Let the only reason a teacher is not going to class be anything else other than what we are capable of changing.
Again I say; To Build a proud nation, build their minds, their bodies and their spirits.

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