Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Confessions of a 20 something Female

So here we are again , 2014, new year new me. That's what we tell our selves year in year out. "I guess this year it shall be less of the mistakes and more of the good judgement"  says the little voice in my head that appears every new year.

But not so far down the road I saw a really cute outfit which looked  size smaller but against my better judgement I still pointed at it and tried it on hoping that my eyes were deceiving me and just maybe this outfit was actually my size. Off my clothes went and on came the super hot outfit. "its just a little tight" i told me self, and against my better judgement I purchased it. And to this day I have put on that outfit only once, and it doesn't look as hot as it did then, so much for new me.

We always go through these motions as women, blaming our selves for the bad decisions or poor choices we made. That loser boyfriend you thought you loved or that hairstyle you knew you would rock but did not work out as planned or that brand new expensive designer watch that was a fake. Name it, countless times we have fallen short of the new us.

But there is hope, there is nothing as beautiful as eventually getting something right after failing at it numerous times. A baby falls time and time again until it finally walks. Lets not be afraid to fail, because its only through the failures that we actually become stronger and 'newer'. If we want to get to the point when we can confidently say new year new me, we have to embrace our mistakes big and small.

Happy new year Girls!!

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.